Display city time and date
Display Sunrise/Sunset times for any city
Display city's next DST transition
Distinct twilight modes: civil, nautical and astronomical
Locate any city by name
Animated rotation to located city
Automatic update of Earth's shadow
Automatic pseudo rotation of Earth
Suspend mode
Interactive 3D Earth rotation
Colorful Physical, Political and other maps
Dual mapping channels with several overlay modes
Dynamic multi-point visual distance measurement tool
Distances in kilometers, miles and nautical miles
Coarse and fine zoom controls
Zoom to selection
10, 15 or 30 degree lat/lon grid lines
Spherical and planar views
Sun spot and Earth shadow in real time
Special Day/Night overlay mode
Sun's azimuth and elevation at any point on earth in real time
Snap any point on earth to nearest known city
User defined snap radius
Lat/lon and antipode information at any point on earth
Tropical and Polar circles
Texture brightness control
Texture smoothing
User defined Route files (for ex. Historical Routes etc.)
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